After careful evaluation we have concluded that the “light at the end of the tunnel” is actually the sunset, dipping over the horizon as we are on course to chase the never-ending summer. It has been 3 years of hard boat work since becoming Avocet’s crew, and we have learned a lot through every small project and refit as well as studying how she likes to sail. It is honestly a chance of fate that we ended up with this ol’ girl after having our hearts set on a completely different boat; had that sale not fallen through we would have never been where we are today, meaning that you very well may not have been reading this very post! What a wild thing the universe is, isn’t it?
As we continue to whittle down our “big” project list, we are left with many small tasks that can be completed while simultaneously enjoying our boat the way she is meant to be enjoyed. My partner Chris and I fill our sails every chance we get to make up for the previous years of all-work-and-no-play. I am extremely humbled every time we escape the breakwater and overcome with a flooded sense of pride and excitement knowing how hard we have worked to get here.

I am thankful for the opportunities the sailing community has unlocked for us to explore our talents in writing and craftsmanship in addition to proving to myself that I am capable of much more than I think. Sailing is a wonderful “thing” that can be a sport or leisurely activity spent alone or with loved ones on the water. We continuously urge our friends and family to come aboard and see why we chose to live this way, and although some leave scratching their heads, a vast majority have opened their eyes to the experience and ask how they can make it a part of their lives more regularly.

To those dreamers and fellow sunset chasers, we challenge you to explore life afloat and welcome people to experience it with you - because that’s what life is about, right? Shared experiences and connections creating memories to last a lifetime. The Summer Sailstice was founded on that exact intention: to unite people on the water, celebrating the longest day of the year by sailing. Join our event (or any, really) and see all the ways you can get involved… we promise you won’t be disappointed.

Cheers to the wind
Cheers to the water
Cheers to all
That choose to wander
- Marissa N.
Join Marissa and Chris Neely and sailors around the world in sailing on the Sailstice. Sign up for Sails Up. June 19th, 2021.