Would you like to provide a prize to help us encourage folks to go sailing and grow sailing? We'd love to have you onboard!
Please email Heidi@SummerSailstice.com for more information.
Would you like to provide a prize to help us encourage folks to go sailing and grow sailing? We'd love to have you onboard!
Please email Heidi@SummerSailstice.com for more information.
Since the publication of our first issue in 1977, Latitude 38 has championed a way of life with a style unique among sailing magazines.
A lucky winner will become the proud owner of a real electric cordless winch handle designd specifically for sailboats!
Sun Powered Yachts has donated a SunPower 1x100Watt bundle for this year's Summer Sailstice prize draw!
From life on the shore to life underway, our skiff got a fresh makeover.
Bob Bitchin is an adventurer and story-teller. Over the years he has created a number of publications based on his lifestyle.
Tektite/TEKNA has donated a prize that we ALL need: a SOSeFLARE day/night audible USCG compliant flare kit with complimentary float plan app included.This new beacon provides distress signal requir
Richard J. King is an author and illustrator.
Some lucky sailor is going to win the ultimate sailing sunglasses!VALLON is a performance eyewear company founded in Verier, and dedicated to producing best-in-class sports sunglasses ans sno
Do the Safety Dance Contest Prizes!Know and share the proper boating safety procedures with your crew during Summer Sailstice and you could win a US Sailing Online Safety at Sea Offshore Cour
The Micro Reef Aquarium fits right on your desktop so anybody can keep a slice of the reef on their desk or counterspace! It is easy to maintain and a great "starter" tank for those want
Tektite/TEKNA has donated a prize that we ALL need: a SOSeFLARE day/night audible USCG compliant flare kit with complimentary float plan app included.This new beacon provides distress signal requir
Bob Bitchin is an adventurer and story-teller. Over the years he has created a number of publications based on his lifestyle.
Participate in Summer Sailstice this coming June and you'll be in the running for this cool prize from Lunatec Gear - a travel and camp shower kit!
Weems & Plath is donating the OGM Series LED KIS Light for Summer Sailstice participants.Weems & Plath has been helping sailors navigate the seas since 1928, and clocks and weather ins
This year Ultimate Sailing has donated a reusable shopping bag stuffed with a puzzle, notecard set, hat, neck gaiter and 2024 calendar, all featuring the remarkable images of Sharon Green,Sharon Gr
SpinSheet Chesapeake Bay Sailing is the 'go-to' publication and website for boaters and sailors of all levels who seek more fun and sport on the Chesapeake Bay!SpinSheet focuses on the Ch
Welcome Aboard, Sun Powered Yachts!Thanks for your support for sailing and Summer Sailstice.
Weather Routing Inc., is supporting Summer Sailstice and sailing with a prize donation of weather forecasts, weather maps, free trials, and user accounts.
Sign up for Summer Sailstice for a chance to win one of 5 subscriptions to Latitudes & Attitudes magazine. Sail on June 22 and keep sailing in your life all year long!
Win this historical fiction sea-faring tale written by Will Sofrin! It's a maritime adventure memoir that follows a crew of misfits hired to sail an eighteenth-century warship six thousand mi
Sailors for the Sea is on a mission to engage boaters in protecting the waters they love, and more than people 1,300,000 people have got on board to help save our oceans.
Thank you SpinSheet for your ongoing support!
Prize: A private charter aboard SY Kelpie in Santa Barbara, CA! To win make sure you've put your 2023 sailing plans on the Summer Sailstice map. SunSwept Sailing is owned by Santa Barbara natives
CHART Metalworks is the creation of Charlotte Guptill, a seasoned sailor with a passion and talent for crafting jewelry.
Check out the specs of this Automatic Inflatable personal flotation device from Mustang Survival!
Head out for a sailing adventure on the beautiful San Francisco Bay and take in the fun on tall ship Freda B with SF Bay Adventures! They're excited to take you and a guest cruising.
West Marine has Your Life On The Water covered: you can find all boating, fishing, and paddling supplies at West Marine! This year they're helping you get out on the water by donating 3 pri