The winter solstice is days away, which means we are half way to Summer Sailstice. It's time to sign up, rally your dock neighbors and sailing friends to make 2023 a year to remember.
Summer Sailstice with Green Bay Sail & Paddle!
We will start the day off at 9am with an Intro to Sailing and an Intro to Kayaking class. In the afternoon, we will have sailboat rentals available from 1pm to 4pm. We will finish off the evening with our popular Couple's Night Sailing at 530pm.
Cookie Cutter II on Muskegon Lake
Muskegon Lake is the place for sailing. My old Flying Scot is the means of celebrating Summer Sailstice 2023. Hope to see lots of boats and people out on the water.

Summer Sailing in San Diego
Go for a sail and enjoy the day on San Diego Bay.

Get on the water on Sailsitce, sign up today.
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