You came, you sailed, you conquered Summer Sailstice 2023! You're job is to email us your photos, stories, videos and memories so we can share with your community and tag us on social media. Enjoy the snapshot series!
Check out this amazing Summer Sailstice trip to Glacier Bay National Park by Captain Blain Anderson!

"Greeting from Alaska,
We enjoyed participating in the 2023 Summer Sailstice with a trip to Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska.
The trip begin with a bang (or actually a splash) as we got to witness the raw power of two humpback whales breaching together. It's hard to top this, but it seems that there is something else amazing around every point of land in the majestic landscape. Bears, puffins, goats, sea otters, and lots of other wild critters were in full summer mode.
The glaciers in the West Arm of Glacier Bay left lots of ice for our beverages, and we enjoyed several anchorages to ourselves and a hike to Reid Glacier to experience one up close. A really good haul of prawns and a few halibut kept us well fed on fresh seafood throughout the 10-day trip.
The trip was chartered through Sound Sailing aboard the 50 foot S/V BOB.