We love sailing, obviously. It's fun to get out on the water and enjoy the water, sun, and (hopefully) relaxing time with friends and family. But reflecting on this year's Sailstice, it's a good time to think about what Summer Sailstice does for community.
On the beautiful Yerba Buena on the San Francisco Bay, Commodore Breeze Carlile of the Single Sailors Association's (SSA) talks with reporter Karen Lile with Sail Sport Talk about Summer Sailstice fun this year. The SSA is just what it sounds like: a group of sailors and folks interested in sailing who also just happen to be...single! Focused on building community and getting people out on the water as much as possible, their goals align nicely with Summer Sailstice vision. Commodore Carlile says, "One of the things about the purpose of the Sailstice that I think is really great and doesn't get stressed enough, that it helps people who don't get to be on boats very often, to get out on the water. It's supposed to be almost an introduction...let's get them out on the water and you know, having a boating good time and for those of us in yacht clubs, it helps us with our membership bringing in great people."
Check out the rest of the Sail Sport Talk interview - thanks for mentioning us in your coverage of Bay Area racing, sailing, and community building!