We wish we could choose every photo you sent in - we received over 50+ submission this year. Good job sailing and snapping pics, that's not always easy! Be sure to look at this years' photo album on Facebook to see all the photos for 2023. But for now, cue drum-roll please - it's time to show you this year's winners of the photo contest!
1st place prize goes to Melanie Klaas with her sunset photo! Thanks for sending us such a lovely action shot of the end of your Summer Sailstice day on the water. Their Sailstice came complete with 2 proposals (and we assume 2 engagements - congratulations to the happy couples!) and congratulations to Melanie the intrepid photographer.

2nd place Best Photo winner goes to photographer Debbie Koeliker and the 61st Broad Bay Regatta. It was their 1st Summer Sailstice celebration, and she submitted some colorful, fun photos. See the winning photo below, so hard to choose! The boat pictured is a shark catamaran owned by Jerry Patenaude with Broad Bay Sailing Association on the Chesapeake bay.