We have been receiving wonderful stories, photos, and messages from the 21st Sailstice weekend.
Suki & Chuck of the Valiant 50 SV Blue Marble Explorer (San Francisco) had a splendid day sail on the Southern Strait of Georgia in Washington state. They hosted Linda & Fred of SV Perla Moon (La Paz) and set out from Semiahmoo marina. There was an 18 knot warm 80-degree breeze and blue skies.
They stopped off in Point Roberts hoping to support this community isolated by the US/Canada border closure, but found no open restaurants. At greater than 48 degrees of latitude there was a little more than 16 hours of daylight on the solstice. Last light after 10 pm. #blue_marble_explorer
Did you get out on Sailstice? We would love to hear from you! Send your photos and Saisltice tales to nicki@summersailstice.com and don't forget to enter the contests!!