Tell us a bit about yourself!
I am relatively new to sailing, but once I started I couldn’t stop! In 2017 I joined Cal Sailing Club in Berkeley, CA as an undergrad student and started to learn to sail on RS Quests. I moved on to the JY15s and got pretty good at club racing, started learning boat maintenance and repair, and got more curious about keelboats. I also worked at CSC doing all kinds of exciting dinghy and windsurfing rescues from the Boston Whaler power boat.
When the pandemic hit and I graduated from UC Berkeley, I took on the Port Captain role at CSC. I loved using my know-how of sailing and rescues to train new staff and build a great team for this community club. At the same time, I also started crewing on charter sailboats on the SF bay full time. I went from sailing 15 foot dinghies to 50 foot sailing yachts - a huge learning curve, but an amazing job. Can’t get enough of the water!
All along, I’ve been writing for Latitude38 doing feature pieces that highlight some of the people and ideas that define SF Bay sailing. From featuring youth sailing to improving diversity and inclusion in sailing, it has been a cool way to get to know the community here better and write for my favorite audience: sailors!
What is your favorite color? Yello
Preferred type of sailing: Cruising
Boat Make: N/A
Boat Length: N/A
Boat Name: N/A
Homeport: Berkeley, CA
Favorite Point of Sail: Downwind wing on wing
How long have you been sailing? Actively for 5 years
What do you love about sailing?
I love the community that sailing introduced me to. People who sail tend to be brave, curious, and tons of fun! I also love the physicality of dinghy sailing: I love getting wet and cold in the waves, building muscle and getting exercise outside, and also learning to be braver and more daring. Every day is little out on the water, but the sunsets never fail to be spectacular.
How long have you been participating in Summer Sailstice? 1 year
What are your Summer Sailstice plans for 2023?
This year, the Sailstice falls on my birthday. So I think some birthday sailing is in order!
Are you a part of any sailing clubs, fleets or organizations?
Cal Sailing Club
Why do you want to be a Summer Sailstice Ambassador?
I feel passionate about getting more people sailing. I think it is a skill that can extend and enhance many different parts of your life. I want to see more diversity in sailing, specifically gender diversity.
How do you plan to promote Summer Sailstice?
I am supporting Nicki on all things Sailstice related, and keep an eye out for newsletters (that’s me writing to you!) I’m promoting Sailstice across all channels!
Who is your sailing hero?
I’m a big fangirl of Florence Arthaud. She was a French sailor, and the first woman to win the Route du Rhum race in 1990.
What is your bucket list sailing trip? Figi or anywhere in the South Pacific
Favorite Sailing Movie? Maiden