Welcome aboard Christine Weaver. Chris started sailing in her youth and has been sailing regularly since the early 90's. Chris is the ringleader of the Delta Doo Dah, and runs the Racing desk at Latitude 38. She has a wealth of knowledge which she shares in the many facets of the community she contributes to.
Tell us a bit about yourself!
Latitude 38 racing editor and Delta Doo Dah Doodette. I first learned to sail at age 12 in El Toros, and I've been sailing regularly since the early 1990s. A vet of the 1999 Baja Ha-Ha and a Sea of Cortez cruise. Have chartered in the San Juan Islands, Alaska and Florida. Women's Sailing Seminar instructor. Co-founded the Delta Doo Dah in 2009 and still run it. Would like to act as ambassador for the Delta Doo Dah fleet in 2021.
What is your favorite color?
Preferred type of sailing:
Racing, cruising, keelboats, cruising cats
Boat Make:
Laser 28; El Toro
Boat Length:
28-ft; 8-ft
Boat Name:
Stink Eye; The Force
Richmond Yacht Club / Oxbow Marina, Isleton
Favorite Point of Sail:
Broad reach with spinnaker
How long have you been sailing?
Regularly, 29 years
What do you love about sailing?
Being on the water. Being freed from the stresses of land life and the workweek. Communing with nature, particularly waterfowl and other marine life.
How long have you been participating in Summer Sailstice?
Seven years
What are your Summer Sailstice plans for 2021?
Cruising in the Delta
Are you a part of any sailing clubs, fleets or organizations?
Delta Doo Dah fleet leader; Richmond Yacht Club member
Why do you want to be a Summer Sailstice Ambassador?
To cross-promote Summer Sailstice participation with Delta Doo Dah participation.
How do you plan to promote Summer Sailstice?
Delta Doo Dah website, direct emails to Delta Dah fleet members, mentions in Latitude 38 and 'Lectronic Latitude.
Who is your sailing hero?
Sam Davies
What is your bucket list sailing trip?
Return to Mexico either via a coastal race or a cruise, possibly the Baja Ha-Ha. Gunkhole down the coast of California to the Channel Islands.
Favorite Sailing Movie?
Captains Courageous
You can keep up with Chris and the Delta Doo Dah on the DDD website, Twitter, and Facebook.