Summer Sailstice is always a partnership between sailors and those who want to empower sailors. When a donor steps up to arrange a prize package for Summer Sailstice sailors, it's a tangible way to promote the global sailing community and get more people outon the water. We've got some amazing donors returning this year to make the 2023 Celebration even more exciting.
1. Sun Powered Yachts is donating a 1x100 Watt Bundle.
2. San Juan Sailing is providing a 2-day liveaboard sailing class including meals and an overnight anchor in the beautiful San Juan Islands.
3. Weather Routing Inc. has offered 2 prize packages! One package is for a club or association participating on June 24th (make sure to enter your clubs plans to be entered in the running before the May 15th drawing!!) The second package will provide sailors who are out on the water on June 24th will win a weather forecasting prize once the celebration is finished.
4. New England Ropes is donating a Halyard line and a Hook & Moor adjustable boat hook to two Summer Sailstice sailors!
5. Good Old Boat is giving away five full-year print or digital subscriptions!
6. C. Sherman Johnson is in the ring too, donating a Grab 'n Go mooring hook - super handy!
Email heather@summersailstice.com if you're interested in donating a prize, otherwise be sure you post your sail plans now to be in the running for these prizes, and more coming soon!