Not all islands are exotically tropical and far-flung ! Many sailors in our Sailstice community live near islands close to shore and are lucky enough to have interesting marks to sail to and explore around.
Here's 10 islands you may not know about! If you live near a good island hunting spot, please let us know!
1. Sailstice ambassadors sail near the Channel Islands, near Oxnard, CA with SV Avocet with Chris and Marissa Neely
2. Treasure Island, San Francisco, CA home to Treasure Island Sailing Center
3. Craney Island, Portsmouth, Virginia is a cool local's sailing spot
4. Little Whaleboat Island in Casco Bay, Maine is another hidden gem for sailors and featured in the Cruising Club of America's new cruising guide to Maine.
5. Charles Island in Long Island Sound off Connecticut is home to Summer Sailstice sailors
6. Admiralty Island is a sailing destination near Juneau, Alaska race is in southern Alaska just north of the San Juan Islands & the 2023 San Juan Sailing flotilla
7. Sandy Islands make good exploring for kids off The Sound in the Outer Banks of North Carolina
8. Chichester Race around Alameda Island, Alameda CA
9. Duck Island is a Sailstice anchorage off Westbrook Connecticut in past years
10. Promenade of sails near Amherst Island in Lake Ontario