Boye Knives has joined Summer Sailstice and is donating a Folding 'Cobalt' Knife for one lucky Sailstice sailor!
Don't know what a 'Folding 'Cobalt' Knife' is? It's a hand-crafted rigging knife, with a 'Sheepsfoot blade', made by David Boye from dendritic cobalt, his innovative blade metallurgy that won't rust, and just keeps cutting. "The sheepsfoot blade is primarily for emergencies and splicing; the pointed tip for versatility."
David's 45 year's of knife making expereince has earned him a place among the leaders in custom knife making. "I have ground thousands of blades by hand and developed time-tested knife designs for everyday use - practical styles, comfortable, balanced feel, sweet to carry."
Does this sound like something you could use? To find out how you can be in the draw to win, learn more on the Boye Knives, Summer Sailstice prize page!