In less than two weeks the northern hemisphere's official summer will kickoff with the northern hemisphere's Summer Solstice, and right on cue, Summer Sailstice sailors around the world will celebrate the official start of the summer sailing season. What a great combination!
Where are you planning to sail on the Summer Sailstice weekend?
If you haven't already added your plan to the Summer Sailstice map, you could be left at home suffering from a sailor's worst problem, FOMO - Fear of Missing Out. An believe us when we tell you, the fear is real. We've all felt it. When we see our friends go sailing on a grand adventure, when they're going off for the weekend to race or anchor out over night, even if they're just going for a cheeky two-hour sail. If we don't go too, we feel the loss. We are missing out!
Don't let it get that far, make your sailing plans now and stop FOMO in its tracks. You'll be so glad you did.
Step One: Sign up for Summer Sailstice at If you signed up last year or the year before, or even before that, log back in to renew your registration and claim your spot on the map, and in the Prize Draw.
Step Two: Add your sailing plans to the Sailstice map of worldwide celebrations. Click here to proceed.
Step Three: Send your sailing plan/event Url to all your crew, family, friends and who ever else you would like to sail with, and invite them to sign up and RSVP to join you.
Step Four: ... Go Sailing!
It's that simple. You'll be joining thousands of sailors, and new-to-sailing participants around the world in celebration of the greatest sport ever: Sailing. And when the people who stayed behind are suffering because they did miss out, you'll be feeling great because you spent time on the water, under sail.
Here are a few events to get FOMO bug nagging:
Grant is exploring the islands around Mykonos.
Mysha will spend the weekend on the Snitsermar in the Netherlands.
Stephen will be sailing the Dalmation Coast aboard on a Sunsail chartered 444 Catamaran.
And in the US, Andy is gathering family and friends for a fun sail on San Franciso Bay aboard his Catalina 30 'Endless Hubris'.
Chatham Sailing Club has organized a Raft-up and Beach Trip, with food and drinks, swim gear, floats, and a beach cookout.
And David is sailing on Puget Sound from Edmonds Marina to Camano Island.
And Fred is sailing around Hart Miller Island in the Chesapeake.
Are you raedy to Sail-stice? Get on it. You have less than two-weeks to sign up for the greatest sailing celebration afloat! See you out there...