On a recent Share The Sail event (which was created by Lats & Atts!) Bob and Jody were standing at the entrance to Corsair’s on Jost van Dyke. It was for a party, and a couple asked one of the participants what it was all about.
She said “We are here with Cruising Outpost’s Share the Sail.” To which the couple replied, “What’s Cruising Outpost?”
She told them it was the same as the old Latitudes & Attitudes.
“Oh yeah!” They exclaimed. “That’s a great magazine. We’ve heard of that.”
It was at that time the decision to go back to Latitudes & Attitudes was made. We got the Trade Marks lined up 2 years ago, but we're not sure if we should change the name back. The news has been well received and the first new Latitudes & Attitudes will be on news stands June 3rd.
Don’t Ye Worry Lads & Lassies – Subscriptions Carry Over to New “Old” Title
Your subscription to Cruising Outpost will carry forward with Latitudes & Attitudes. No change in schedule, no changes in subscriptions. And Our Founders Circle, who made all this possible, as well as Charter subscribers, will remain Founders and Charter Members as long as their subscription continues!